10 Important Steps in Pre-Shipment Inspection Procedure

10 Important Steps in Pre-Shipment Inspection Procedure.jpg
  • What Are the Types of Pre Shipment Inspection?

Pre shipment Inspection is one types of product quality inspection before shipping out your order, onprocess, it includes important stages during the work.

  • How to Do the Pre shipment Inspection on Procedure?

  1.  Study the Inspection Booking

When receiving the inspection booking from client, the inspector should study the client requirements and make surethe inspection is available to do.

Contact the client to clarify if any query on the booking, explain in case of any concerning, make everything clear on what and how to do, it helps inspection going on smoothly.

After the inspection plan is fixed, contact the client and supplier and tell when the inspection is going on.

  1.  Contact the Supplier

The next,the inspector should contact the supplier and keep informed of the inspection plan, and make sure if the inspection is going as plan on the condition ofproduct ready.

If the supplier confirms all product will be ready on the date that client expects, and inspection location is correct, the inspection company would assign the inspector for the work.

If the supplier is not sure when the products are ready for inspection, it often happens, the inspection company should contact the client and keep informed of the updates.

  1.  Factory Visit.

Allpre-shipment inspection should be carried in the factory that you placed orderon., instead of sending some sample to check in the inspection company. The inspection company will send the to visit the supplier location on the date, inspection is going on.

  1.  Review the Client Check Points

When beginning the inspection, the inspector should have a short meeting with the supplier representative and review the client check points on the booking, to check oneby one and avoid missing out during inspecting, if special equipments or toolsare required for some tests during inspecting, the supplier should prepare those facilities in place.

  1.  Quantity Verification.

Theinspectors count all product quantity meeting the order requirements, verifyall carton, box, bag, unit and piece are correct.

The step makes sure the correct number of product and carton will be shipped out on theorder request, the client would make pay on the quantity of verification.

  1.  Random Sample Size

On professional pre-shipment inspection services, the inspector takes random sample from the productorder, use the internationally recognized statistical sampling procedure ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 (ISO 2859-1) for the sample size selection.

The inspection result judgement replies on the AQL (Acceptable Quality Level or Acceptable Quality Limit) defining, see AQL Sampling, it stated the acceptable defects in the product batch, and reject when the defects product are out of the acceptable range, the defects limit vary with order quantity, AQL level, inspection level selection vary, but the client could make final decision on accept or reject after evaluate the results.

  1.  Appearance and Workmanship Check.

The inspector should have an overall look on the product appearance, make sure it conforms with the signature master sample, photos and descriptions on documentation, drawing and booking, etc.

Checkthe workmanship on product constructure, finishing, assembly and logo, ensure everything is conforming with the order requirements.

If any defects or/and concerns, remark and take photos, video to clearly present the detection during inspection. Not only can it help client make decision on the product lot quality performance, but also help supplier work to eliminate the defects and improve the quality for future order, on manufacturing process,material use.

  1.  Conformity Verification

Inspector should check the product material, package, weight and dimension, including results on the shipping master carton, product unit, piece, barcode scan, shipping label.

It helps ensure the correct product will be sent to correct address with properly packing.

  1.  Function and Safety Test.
  • Function Testing for fabricproduct

For fabric products, say garment, apparel and footwear inspections, the inspectors perform physical tests on the products to determine the strength of buttons, zippers,and other accessories with pull tests, fatigue tests, and stretch tests.

Fabric density and composition tests determine the density or thickness of fabrics used in garment production. Special tools are used to measure fabric density.The quality control inspectors can also physically count the number of stitchesper inch.

A fabric that’s too thin or not dense enough could mean your manufacturer has used aninferior fabric or textile that won’t stand up to normal wearing and washing.

  • Mechanical Safety Tests

Mechanical safety tests are required for products with moving parts such as bicycles andpushchairs that could potentially cause injuries if they are defective.

The inspection involves testing the product’s shape and design to see whether thereare any sharp edges or parts that could pinch or entrap fingers, toes, and other appendages.

Mechanical safety testing includes checking the safety of critical components such asscrews and hinges used in a completed product.

  • Electrical Safety Testing

Electrical and electronic products must be tested to ensure they comply with a wide range of safety regulations before they can be certified and labeled. Evaluating aproduct for electrical safety is often performed under laboratory conditions rather than on-site at the factory. It includes the following tests:

High voltage test (dielectric withstand test) - Measures the ability of an electrical product to with stand a high voltage applied between a product’selectrical circuit and the ground.

Leakagecurrent test - Evaluates whether current that flows between an AC source andthe ground exceeds a specified limit.

Insulation resistance test - Calibrates the quality of the electrical insulation used.

Ground continuity test - Ensures that a clear path is available between all exposed metal surfaces and the power system ground. The packaging is also checked toverify that the correct packing materials are being used to ensure safe transportation, and that correct packaging labels are applied.

  1.  Inspection Report

After inspection, the inspector will complete a full report to present the inspection result. It includes all findings during this inspection, list and remark all defects and concerning, advice.

On the report, defects are typically classified as minor, major, or critical based on predetermined acceptable tolerance levels, which are usually agreed upon between the manufacturer and supplier during product development.

If clienthas any query or unclear information on the report, the inspector will help clarify and make everything clear.

The client will make decision on accept, reject the order and see if shipping on the r


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