What Does Pre-shipment Inspection Mean?


Inspection services aim at ensuring compliance with the requirements and Inspectors make sure everything is smooth until the shipment is made.
Pre-shipment inspections include both Quantity and Quality site inspections.
Quantity ones ensure that outgoing/incoming goods’ volume effectively corresponds to those indicated in the transport documents. While the Quality inspections ensure that the inventory has not suffered any visual defects during the packing or moving and meet the requirements outlined in the related documents.
This service is intended for;
• Manufacturing Companies
• Exporters of Agricultural Products
• Trading Companies
• Final Customers
• Purchasing Offices
• Food Aid Organizations
In International trading, Clients search for the guarantee on the conformity of the ordered goods; Suppliers seek the certainty to release payments by Documentary credit or Documentary remittance' and Governments to safeguard national interests against fraud and import of substandard or prohibited goods. These are the main goals of pre-shipment inspections.
The process to be done depends on the type of goods but in general consist of;
i. A visual inspection to identify the goods
ii. Check the quantity
iii. Check the packaging and marking
iv. Review the documentation required
v. Be present during the dispatch and/or delivery phase
On completion of these activities, a NARRATIVE and Photographic Report are issued to confirm the positive outcome of the carried-out inspection.
WHY “Qualityloyal Inspection Service (QIS)” FOR YOUR INSPECTION?
Given its consolidated experience on both product certification and auditing, QIS is in the position to offer a valid and solid contribution to all the players in the merchandise trading market.
Note: For every inspection, QIS uses the standard internationally recognized ANSI/ASQC Z1.4 (ISO 2859-1) statistical sampling procedure. This comprehensive criterion covers;
Functionality | performance | Durability | Overall Appearance and Dimension.
Your inspection booking is one step away!

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