When and What to Do Product Preshipment Inspection?

when is preshipment inspection?

Lets us have some suggestions for those who are about to ship their inventory soon!

When to perform Inspection? 
Some suggest during the production stage when inventory is being produced but I think usually during the packaging stage while inventory still at the factory and before you pay the remaining 80% or 100% balance. Your suggestion, please?
What to include in the inspection? 
Some suggest full and some suggest partial or few pcs random inspection. Your suggestion, please?
I would suggest below list of checklist for generic inspection:
- Mainly your competitors' complaints list or your improvements in the product and below are other things to look for:
  • Product material, color, style
  • Functionality test
  • Quantity of Units / Sets / Packs
  • Item Weight / Dimensions
  • FNSKU Label on the packaging
  • Barcode scanning
  • Made in China Marking on the packaging
  • Careless or broken Packaging
  • Carton or/and unit drop test
  • Documentation and certificates review

What's your checklist? You may list if you have...

Inspection Price: 

I found different inspection companies/agents charge different rates starting from $50 onwards $300 per day and full/random inspection basis. I would personally choose based on their quality service, rating with their previous customers, price and the recommendation of other review from other clients!
Otherwise, beside those above, you coud have caution on some mistakes that could take place during inspection.
how to invoice mistake for shipment inspection

4 Inspection mistakes we need to avoid

  • Inspection by a company who have vested interest in your product either passes or fails
       i) supplier
       ii) the inspection team recommended by Supplier
       iii) sourcing agent
       iv) Freight forwarder.
    • 2. Missing the inspection whether its a small or larege quantity or its 4th or 10th shipment by the supplier as supplier are always looking for "Dodge" to do whenever u give them leverage.
    • 3. If you have some product that is fabric or plastic cut it into 3 pieces and give one piece to your inspection team, one to your supplier and one to your self.. (this technique can vary product to product ).
    • 4. Never-ever ask your supplier to pay for re-inspection instead pay re-inspection fees yourself and then deduct that inspection team fees from supplier.
    • 5. Always ask a sample report and get indications on it what type of product it is and how much weight it can bear etc.

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